
Decimotercer día del musical 'Kinky Boots' en el New National Theatre de Tokio (04/08/2016)


Hoy ha tenido lugar el 13er día del musical 'Kinky Boots' en Tokio con una representación más en el New National Theatre. ¡Ya solo quedan 3 representaciones más en 2 días!

Hoy además, Nami ha recibido la visita de sus amigas Yuu, Maru y Run

Today was the 13th day of musical 'Kinky Boots' at New National Theatre in Tokyo with a matine performance. There's only 3 last performances in 2 days!

In addition, Nami was visited today by her friends Yuu, Maru and Run

"I get Sakuma drops of Kinky Boots〜♥︎" 
(Note: Sakuma drops are a hard candy from Japan. They are flavored with real fruit juice and are made by Sakuma Candy Co. based in Ikebukuro, Tokyo.)

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